
Hey there, Welcome to the Pygbag Wiki!

In this wiki, you will learn how to use pygbag, and how to convert your game, made with pygame, to web.

Chapters in this wiki


In this chapter you will install pygbag

So, to use any library, including pygbag, you would need to install that library, using a tool called pip

pip is a tool used to install libraries, it can be installed while installing python.

Check if your device has pip

  1. Open your command prompt
  2. type pip in it and if it shows a ton of text, then you are good to go. But if shows something like
    'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
    Then you can watch this tutorial to fix that.

Install pygbag

  1. Like the previous step, open your command prompt
  2. Type the following command in it:
    pip install git+ --user --upgrade
    This would install and upgrade pygbag onto your device

    The following command would install the pygbag repository in your device, though if you want you can also run this command
    pip install pygbag --upgrade
    This would install as well as update it so as to get the most recent version of the library. But this command is less preferred as just in case the author forgets to publish the latest version of the library to PyPI. ***

Web Testing

In this chapter, you will test out pygbag

So, now we will check out how to run our games on web using pygbag.

Creating a project

Firstly, make a folder. This folder would include all your game files.

Now, add a inside that folder and put this code inside it

import asyncio
import pygame

pygame.display.set_mode((320, 240))

async def main():
    count = 3

    while True:

        Hello[{count}] from Pygame

        await asyncio.sleep(0)  # very important, and keep it 0

        if not count:
        count = count - 1 main() )

You don’t need to understand what this code does, for now, as this is just some test code to check if you have the right setup.

Running your code with pygbag

Now open your command line interface and navigate to the parent directory of the folder you made for the project. (Parent directory as in the directory which holds the folder).

Now type this command into it and press enter:
pygbag folder_name
(replace folder_name with the name that you gave to your game folder).
Note that you can also use python -m pygbag folder_name, if pygbag isn’t recognized as a command.

After running this command go to your preferred web browser, and go to https://localhost:8000#debug and it should show something like image

Don’t worry if you didn’t get the same result, just try redoing the previous steps, and if even that doesn’t work, you can feel free to join the pygame discord server and ask your queries there!

If you were able to complete this step, congratulations you were successfully able to setup pygbag and also able to test it out. ***


In this chapter you will learn about templates in pygbag

So, you might be wondering that how will the players play your game if your window looks so small and the console takes up so much of place. To fix this, you can change the layout of the webpage using templates or remove the #debug from url.

Using other templates

Currently, pygbag uses the default template which you might wanna change, for that there are 2 ways you can try

1. Using the in-built templates

For that you can use the following command
pygbag --template default.tmpl folder_name
this would now use the default template which is prebuilt in pygbag and this template would clear everything except the window on normal mode , or in #debug mode align your game window to the top right corner in debug mode to half the page and display the terminal, file upload widget and iframe + some controls.

2. Installing a template and customizing it

For this you can go to the static folder in the pygbag repo and look for the various templates available online.
To use one of them go with the following command:
pygbag --template template-name.tmpl test
replace template-name with the name given to the .tmpl file. Run again will port your game to web with your desired template without need to erase the cache.
If you want to use a template of your own just give the full path of your template file instead. The simplest way is to copy the above online templates to your drive and edit them.

Using the second approach would be better and also recommended, as in this approach, you can customize the template as per your choice and test out how would they look.(ps. the files are basically html files with internal styling and internal javascript scripting)

NOTE: Almost all line are important, so please think a lot before deleting a line, because only one missing line could break the whole thing. ***

Project Setup

In this chapter you will learn how to setup your project

Use assets

Assets are essentially all the images, fonts and sound tracks you use to make your game better. And if you are using pygame in general, you can place the assets wherever you feel like, but with pygbag, you would need to place all your assets inside your game folder, without it your program won’t run. Thought if your game doesn’t need any assets then you are good to go ahead not using the assets folder.

Importing other libraries

Libraries ae basically packets of code, they are used by people to avoid the complexity of doing certain things, for eg. pygame is a graphics rendering library, and people use it so that they don’t need to code all those functionalities by themselves. You wouldn’t need to change anything to use libraries, you can import them how you usually do!

NOTE: There’s an issue related to the numpy module, and using it would break your game, so I suggest not to use it.


You won’t need to change much of your code to enable it to run with pygbag. The necessary changes you need to make are:

  1. Add an `import asyncio
  2. encapsulate your variable declarations(other than the window as other functions might use it too) and mainloop inside the main() function. don’t forget to make it an async function (just put async before def)
  3. write this line right after pygame.display.update(), await asyncio.sleep(0)
  4. In the last line of the program, out side th main function write this line main() )

    NOTE: Don’t write anything after this line as this line is kind of like running the code and anything after this line would be ignored by the program.

Uploading your game on (Bonus)

In this chapter you will learn how to upload your game on

So, for others to be able to play your game you online, you would need to publish your game in some platform like

Zipping the files

So to upload you website to you would need to zip its source code and upload it to for that for

  1. go inside your game folder
  2. go inside the build folder
  3. go inside the web folder
  4. then select the contents inside the folder
  5. zip those contents

Uploading to

So to upload the file

  1. Create a new project
  2. Select the Kind of project as HTML
  3. Upload the .zip file on the website
  4. Select This file will be played in the browser
  5. Then save your project

After following these step, if you view your game page, then you would be able to see you game. Thought, if your are unable to do so, you can ask for help in the pygame discord server

The End

Congratulations! You were able to finish this tutorial on pygbag, now you can go ahead and try to make all your games available in the web too!!
Thank you for following along!

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